11/09/2012 Hey everyone, sorry I haven’t been on much, I’m actually working out of town for two weeks, and I haven’t had too much time to trade. I’ve been working 13 hour days and I will be for 14 days straight. I’ll still post a bit when time allows. Today I will talk about trades […]
11/05/2012 Hello Everyone, so today I have a new strategy that I’ve been working on that I have completed. It’s a strategy that I have been tweaking for quite some time and its pretty simple (to me). I developed this strategy from other strategies I’ve found all over the internet. The best thing you can […]
I didn’t trade yesterday evening, as I had to work late and I didn’t get off work until 8pm. I did trade early that morning though around 4am. I managed one trade then, it was ITM. My second trade was today, and was based off PA, Fibo, and the Timing chart. Im still tweaking my […]
Hey everyone today was a bad day for my trading, and a lot of it is Markets World not filling my orders at the right time and when the expiry price chosen. I’m slightly irritated with marketsworld at the moment for some of these reasons. Anyways, I am trying a new indicator known as the […]
25 October, 2012 So today I made two trades, one ITM one OTM. I didn’t trade much this week mainly because of work and I decided to focus on reading my price action books. I’m trying to weed out low probability trades and take only the best, but I’m having a hard time doing that […]
Hey everyone, tonight i made another 2/3 ITM. I decided to get rid of the Stochastic as i don’t really use it often and it doesn’t play a key role in my trading decisions. My ultimate goal is to simplify my charts so there’s no distractions. When i started looking at the charts, the market […]
Well hey everyone, so i traded once yesterday and twice today. overall i had 2/3 ITM. I’ve been reading Al Brooks books on price action,and it may take me a while to finish them, but they are very informative and i recommend them to everyone who wants to learn just about all you need to […]
15 October 2012 Hello to all. My name is Austin, I’ll be giving y’all a brief history of my time learning and practice trading Binary Options. After the intro I will be writing about my trades and trading decisions each day I trade to help myself keep a record and to hopefully aid new traders […]