10/21/2012 The MBFX-ValueChart Challenge – I spent a few days using the MBFX-ValueCharts alongside my ALGOs and found it SUBJECTIVE and pretty much useless to be honest. As with most systems the users try to fit what the market should do with a fixed ideology/set of magic indicators that in combination will have the market […]
There has been a lot of hype about this MBFX-Value Chart method/system. I was asked by a binary options friend to contribute to the system with my ALGO signals. I will be at my parents next week and if I am not out surfing then I will be in here –> BinaryOptions.net Live Chat So if […]
11/14/2012 I headline this post with Major Activity, because its major activity for my trading. With the upgrade of my servers/workstations and equipment I now can see and take many more trades. Which you would think wow that is great more money! Ah alas there is a tricky balance here. Yes I can take more […]
11/09/2012 Both Friday and Thursday were fantastic trading days with only 2 losses out of a total of 12 trades for the two days on ALGO trades. Thursday was a better day as I only took 4 trades all of which were in the money, the only negative is due to family visiting and only […]
11/7/2012 Yesterday offered so many trades or should I call them traps instead? It was an extremely choppy day. I started the day seeing right away it was going to be difficult. I thought the same of tuesday but that turned out to be completely wrong as I was 6 wins 0 losses on that […]
11/6/2012 Monday was by no means blue for me. I was a bit off with the daylight savings time that changed, still that did not matter much with such fantastic trading conditions. The whole day day trade after trade I could only keep saying “Like shooting ducks in a barrel.” I had the nice streak […]
NFP opened the floodgates for trading today which the institutional interest mostly computer driven across the board made my jobs super easy today :) It was like shooting ducks in a barrel and should have likely taken a few more trades that I know were ITM for certain, but no need to be greedy, best […]
10/31/2012 Last day of the month and all I can see is RUN RUN RUN! The big guys are doing this end of month stuff as you can see by the strange moves in the market. Even with this I am 8 wins 2 losses for today. Still not an easy market as the ranges […]
10/30/2012 Trick or Treat! Scary trading ahead of Halloween. I have noticed the ranges have contracted quite a bit on the signals which happens I believe when the market is missing people as it was because of Hurricane Sandy. Still monday was a good trading day and friday was the turn around after wend/thurs being […]
10/25/2012 Trading has very much SUCKED for me both weds/thursday. This is where money management/risk management is job #1. This is where you will most likely be tempted to go TILT as a trader. To me its just an efficient marketplace cycling through kind of like a storm passing by. As a trader you can’t […]