Professional Trader Blog - - Page 117

3 Binary Options Trading Strategies For Beginners

Dec. 12, 2012

Note! If you are new to binary options and different strategies please go to our strategy page where we cover the topic comprehensively! If you’ve studied and understood my previous posts about the fundamentals of binary option FX trading and binary options indicators, you are now ready to trade for real. Here are 3 different strategies […]

2/3 In the monay!!

Dec. 02, 2012

1 December 2012 Hey everyone, so I traded 3 times yesterday, with 2/3 ITM. I got a bit of a late start since I had to run a few errands. The market was a little slow, but I still found a couple good trades in there.  My first trade was great, and that’s why I […]

4/6 trades ITM

Dec. 01, 2012

28 November 2012 Hey everyone, I made one trade yesterday and 6 trades today, a little more than I usually do. Yesterday only traded for a little while. Anyways I started looking at charts around 8pm, and I noticed price was recently in an uptrend. There were previous resistance levels that were obvious so I […]

November Binary Options Brokers Payment Processing Report

Nov. 25, 2012

November 24, 2012 When first choosing a broker to trade with, the very first quality on your checklist should be the ease with which you’re able to deposit and withdrawal your funds in timely fashion. I’ve personally traded with two offshore brokers, Markets World and 24option, and I have always had very good experiences depositing […]

Trading binaries in a slow market

Nov. 22, 2012

Hey everyone, well I’m back home for today, but after work tomorrow will be leaving to go to my hometown for thanksgiving holiday. I traded tonight, but I probably won’t trade tomorrow or Thursday. I will resume trading next week as usual. So today I made two trades, the market is pretty slow (probably because […]

Happy ThanksGiving!

Nov. 21, 2012

10/21/2012 The MBFX-ValueChart Challenge – I spent a few days using the MBFX-ValueCharts alongside my ALGOs and found it SUBJECTIVE and pretty much useless to be honest. As with most systems the users try to fit what the market should do with a fixed ideology/set of magic indicators that in combination will have the market […]

MBFX-Value Chart Challenge

Nov. 18, 2012

There has been a lot of hype about this MBFX-Value Chart method/system. I was asked by a binary options friend to contribute to the system with my ALGO signals. I will be at my parents next week and if I am not out surfing then I will be in here –> Live Chat So if […]

The 3 Main Indicators I Use

This is the second post in my mini series, I recommend that you read my first post here in order to put this article in context. There are 3 main indicators I use as well as 1 complimentary but useful indicator: 1. ValueCharts: This is a detrended price indicator which tries to show the overbought and oversold […]

Major Activity 11/14/2012

Nov. 14, 2012

11/14/2012 I headline this post with Major Activity, because its major activity for my trading. With the upgrade of my servers/workstations and equipment I now can see and take many more trades. Which you would think wow that is great more money! Ah alas there is a tricky balance here. Yes I can take more […]

The Profitability Factor

Nov. 13, 2012

Simply put, the profitability factor of a trade is the ratio of how much money can be made versus how much money is lost in that trade. Even though this concept is used to basically describe trading systems, we will adapt this a little to compare the profit factor in the binary options market versus […]