Professional Trader Blog - - Page 118

Routine Trading: 12 trades, 2 losses

Nov. 11, 2012

11/09/2012 Both Friday and Thursday were fantastic trading days with only 2 losses out of a total of 12 trades for the two days on ALGO trades. Thursday was a better day as I only took 4 trades all of which were in the money, the only negative is due to family visiting and only […]

Follow the rules you set!

Nov. 09, 2012

11/09/2012 Hey everyone, sorry I haven’t been on much, I’m actually working out of town for two weeks, and I haven’t had too much time to trade. I’ve been working 13 hour days and I will be for 14 days straight. I’ll still post a bit when time allows. Today I will talk about trades […]

Chop Suey

Nov. 08, 2012

11/7/2012 Yesterday offered so many trades or should I call them traps instead? It was an extremely choppy day. I started the day seeing right away it was going to be difficult. I thought the same of tuesday but that turned out to be completely wrong as I was 6 wins 0 losses on that […]

2 Factors To Look Out For That Support Your Trade

Nov. 07, 2012

November 7, 2012 I’ve been backed up with outside work lately and haven’t been keeping pace with trading and updating my blog regularly so I do apologize for that. Today, I’ll be sharing a trade that I took way back on October 25 on the EUR/USD. The pair was directionless that day and trend wasn’t […]

Shooting Ducks in a Barrel “7-0”

Nov. 06, 2012

11/6/2012 Monday was by no means blue for me. I was a bit off with the daylight savings time that changed, still that did not matter much with such fantastic trading conditions. The whole day day trade after trade I could only keep saying “Like shooting ducks in a barrel.” I had the nice streak […]

Price Action, 1 Moving Average & the Belkayate Timing indicator

11/05/2012 Hello Everyone, so today I have a new strategy that I’ve been working on that I have completed. It’s a strategy that I have been tweaking for quite some time and its pretty simple (to me). I developed this strategy from other strategies I’ve found all over the internet. The best thing you can […]

The NFP Floodgates 11/2/2012

Nov. 04, 2012

NFP opened the floodgates for trading today which the institutional interest mostly computer driven across the board made my jobs super easy today :) It was like shooting ducks in a barrel and should have likely taken a few more trades that I know were ITM for certain, but no need to be greedy, best […]


Nov. 01, 2012

10/31/2012 Last day of the month and all I can see is RUN RUN RUN! The big guys are doing this end of month stuff as you can see by the strange moves in the market. Even with this I am 8 wins 2 losses for today. Still not an easy market as the ranges […]

10-31-12: 2/3 trades ITM

I didn’t trade yesterday evening, as I had to work late and I didn’t get off work until 8pm. I did trade early that morning though around 4am. I managed one trade then, it was ITM. My second trade was today, and was based off PA, Fibo, and the Timing chart. Im still tweaking my […]

10/30/2012 Trick or Treat!

Oct. 31, 2012

10/30/2012 Trick or Treat! Scary trading ahead of Halloween. I have noticed the ranges have contracted quite a bit on the signals which happens I believe when the market is missing people as it was because of Hurricane Sandy. Still monday was a good trading day and friday was the turn around after wend/thurs being […]