Professional Trader Blog - - Page 120

Trend Lines

Oct. 18, 2012

10/17/12 Hello again! I hope trading is going well for everyone and if not, I would like to think you are at least learning from your mistakes and getting better! Today I decided instead of just uploaded pictures of my wins I would uploaded a screenshot of an important but very underestimated tool for anyone’s […]


Today 10/17/2012 was a very good day for me, even with waking up late and seeing I had missed a few good signals. I examined the lines of the different commodities and seen they were all trading according to spec for what I look for. When I see a market behaving accordingly that is when […]

Todays Trades 10-17-12

Hey everyone, tonight i made another 2/3 ITM. I decided to get rid of the Stochastic as i don’t really use it often and it doesn’t play a key role in my trading decisions. My ultimate goal is to simplify my charts so there’s no distractions. When i started looking at the charts, the market […]

Today’s trades 10-16-12

Oct. 17, 2012

Well hey everyone, so i traded once yesterday and twice today. overall i had 2/3 ITM. I’ve been reading Al Brooks books on price action,and it may take me a while to finish them, but they are very informative and i recommend them to everyone who wants to learn just about all you need to […]

Navier Stokes Theories

Oct. 16, 2012

My name is Erik Von aka “Lotz of Botz”. My professional field of work in in Mech/Aeronautical Engineering. I happened into trading because of a commercial on tv from interactive brokers and thought “Wow that trading thing looks cool.” After examining pools of data from brokers, software and systems ect ect. I said “Ah no, […]

The straddle bets strategy

15 October, 2012 Hey everyone! Gorilla here, and sorry I haven’t been around for a few days. Outside of the trading world I run a business that deals with the abatement and disposal of suicides and homicides. And unfortunately it has been a busy week. I have intentions of being much more active, but the […]

Hello from Austin!

Oct. 15, 2012

15 October 2012 Hello to all. My name is Austin, I’ll be giving y’all a brief history of my time learning and practice trading Binary Options. After the intro I will be writing about my trades and trading decisions each day I trade to help myself keep a record and to hopefully aid new traders […]

Using a hedging strategy when trading binary options

Oct. 13, 2012

October 12, 2012 An important facet in trading is to keep an open, flexible mind about the market. That is, trade what you think the market will do rather than what you want it to do. This is especially hard for those who state or publish their outright opinions on how they envision the direction […]

$1,500 profit from binary trading in one day!

Oct. 11, 2012

October 10, 2012 Hey everyone, Daft Gorilla here. First off has anyone noticed the date?? 10/11/12 oooh spooky… But not really :P So I am back today with a screen shot of my sporadic trades I made through out the day. I am in the tedious process of training a couple month old puppy (or […]