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Weekly Binary Market Review: 5 Nov 2012

Nov. 05, 2012

Monday 5 November, 2012 Last week witnessed many different traders scrambling towards the USD ahead of the U.S. Presidential elections and volatile markets. The USD is viewed as a safe-haven for investments as Gold and Crude Oil fell on Friday to $1,677.95 and $84.83 respectively. The dollar was doing well even with all the chaos […]

Liberty Reserve Binary Options Brokers

Nov. 01, 2012

UPDATE 28/5/13: Liberty Reserve has been shut down. For more info click here and here.  Security is paramount in any form of trading, and this holds true with binary options. Secure payments, deposits and withdrawals can greatly influence your trading experience. Many traders worldwide rely heavily on several e-wallets such as PayPal or Liberty Reserve […]

The Week Ahead 22/10/12

Oct. 22, 2012

22 October, 2012 The week ahead is full of activity with all eyes narrowing down on the U.S. Q3 Gross Domestic Profit estimate by the FOMC. Traders all over the world are eagerly awaiting the outcome as the U.S. Federal Reserve is planning its next move in the wake of a weak economy. Interest Rate […]

The Week Ahead

Oct. 15, 2012

15 October 2012 The leaders of the European Union are under immense pressure as the time draws closer to the summit later this week. The Euro, which registered gains last week, is all set to quickly go bearish as the gap widens between the long speeches of the EU leaders and the stark reality. The […]

Daily Analysis – Oil Rises Amidst Middle East Tensions

Oct. 14, 2012

Summary: Oil rose to over $115 a barrel on Friday as Middle East tensions soared. Euro also rose from its recent downfall after Christine Lagarde’s comments at the IMF’s annual meeting in Tokyo. Wall Street on the other hand rose early on the back of a positive unemployment report and later faded down to almost […]

Stock Markets Close Flat in View of Jobless Claims

The stock markets remained strong on Friday in view of the troubled world economy and slightly damped as news came trickling about a positive job scenario. As a result the markets closed on a flatter note. The market experienced a climb as the U.S. government reported that jobless claims were decreasing. DJIA climbed as high […]

The Commodity Exchange Arena Shifts to ‘Swaps’

Oct. 12, 2012

October 12, 2012 The global commodity exchange is buzzing with activity. The world’s largest commodity exchange prerogatives are hustling forward to use the newly formed regulations to their benefit. The clearing and trading of energy swaps is the target. The Chicago based CME has fallen further behind with the approximated yearly business of securing £747.8 […]

October 11 – Binary Option Market Update

The aluminium giant Alcoa heralded an unofficial start to the Q3 earning season yesterday by moving past its estimates for the season. The investors however were disappointed when the company cut down on its stance based on global aluminium demand. Chevron on the other hand announced doubts about its third quarter profits not meeting expectations. […]

This Week’s Forex Trends

Oct. 11, 2012

October 11 The Q3 earning season has just begun. The general trend this month is reminiscent of the bearish market trend of the year 2008. Here’s a peak at the Forex market trend for this week. USD As the investors are slowly waking up to the Q3 earnings season, the USD is edging towards the […]

MarketPulse Announces HTML-5 Mobile Binary Options Trading Platform

Oct. 09, 2012

The binary options trading industry witnessed the beginning of a new era yesterday with Market Pulse, the leading binary option technology provider announcing that a new HTML-5 based platform for tablets will be made available very soon. The release was inspired by the spur generated from customer feedback and the increased trading trends on Market […]