is a new signal service provider making the same claims as the rest. After years of fruitless trial and error Roger Pierce has come up with a TOP Secret, revolutionary, next generation trading and signal service that is recession proof, crash proof and fool proof, requiring no experience. His system takes all the difficulty and confusion of complicated market analysis out of your hands so that you can focus on what is really important; making money. Of course there are oodles and oodles of examples of how his system makes trades, I mean there are lots of pictures of account balances and closed trades meant to whet your appetite for the financial freedom he is offering. What there isn’t is examples of how the trades are generated.
Who Is Roger Pierce
Mr. Pierce is yet another on line marketer trying to make a buck off the binary options industry. After decades of work in the field, and making millions of dollars, he has decided to offer his valuable services to us, the binary trading community. Here is a summary of the biographical information found on the website. He got his start in the early 80’s as a trader on the London Stock Exchange. After many successful years trading the 80’s bull market he found himself broke and divorced following the Black Monday market crash of 1987. After that he went to work as a software developer and consultant for hedge funds until finally opening up his own hedge fund in the mid 90’s. He worked as a hedge fund manager for many years until realizing in 2008 the housing bubble was about to burst, at which time he discovered binary options and turned his attention there. Ol’ Roger then used his decades of experience as a trader, manager and software designer to create the AutoBinarySignal service. The service includes the signal package license for downloading, a members area and daily analysis provided by Roger himself. The entire package is worth over $2200 but he is selling it to us now for one low charge of $97, but you better “apply” fast because he says he’ll sell out soon.
What Do You Get With The AutoBinarySignal?
The package is built on four pillars. The Risk/Reward Stabilizing System, the MPIS-Multi Indicator System, Supply/Demand Price Prediction and Auto-Adaptive Profit Trade Technology. This is how it works. First, the algorithm uses 5 different fine tuned custom indicators to generate signals. In order for a signal to generate all five indicators must be in agreement. This ensures that the signals are strong, then in order for the package to actually give you a buy or sell signal the five indicators must also “co-exist” with Rogers strategy, which is still unclear. The Risk/Reward Stabilizing System is meant to ensure that all factors are in alignment to provide high probability trades and keep trade risks low so that you can be assured of an 80-100% win ratio. The system is meant to be used with 60 second and 5 minute Turbo options but can also be used for 15 minute and 1 hour digital options. Based on his vocabulary I expect that he uses a Keystone Platform based broker but this signal service is compatible with any binary broker with 60 second, 5 minute, 15 minute and one hour expiry.
What’s The Deal With The AutoBinarySignal Service
As usual, I expected to find that this was in fact an affiliate marketing scheme but so far I have found no evidence of that. It may be a legitimate software but that doesn’t mean this isn’t a scam. However, just because he chose an unfortunate marketing style for his web page doesn’t mean it is a scam either. In the end though there are still questions unanswered. Questions like, what broker is this joker using? All of his examples of profits are showing returns in the range of 25 and 30%. I can’t think of a single broker with returns that low. Other questions I have include more about the indicators. What are they? What are they based on? Are signals trend following or other? I want to know. The price of $97 isn’t too bad but without more info I am loathe to pay it. In total, out of the entire page, I would estimate that there is about 5% or less actual information, the rest is just marketing fluff. I would hate to pay only to find out that the software and analysis package was just as bad.